Friday, July 25, 2008

Hair Cuts

Today is an exciting day in the Benge home. #2 got his hair cut and #3 got her first hair cut. That's right, I said her first!

I know she is over 4 years old but I just couldn't bring myself to cut her hair before. It was such long pretty hair! Well, she saw a picture of #1 with short hair and bangs and decided she wanted her hair like that too. It's so cute! I did do the Mommy thing and put some hair in an envelope to put in her baby box and took pictures. #3 just loves Miss Amanda and was so very good while Miss Amanda cut her hair. #2 is happy with his cut as well because it means he can spike his hair again. Now if I would just buy some blue washable dye, he would be very happy.

We'll see when that happens!


Sandra said...

How fun! #3's hair looks soooo pretty!

Hefe's Chick said...

I am SO proud of you! Her hair looks absolutely beautiful - and it makes her look like an official 4-year-old! :-)