My kids had a great time working on the cards that they gave me for my birthday. #2 spent time up on his computer in the paint program to make his card for me. I've attached 2 pictures of it because I'm hiding in there. #3 drew a picture of her, me and Grandmom. My hubby

bought me a new cook book and a new GPS so I don't have to keep taking his. Whatever the reason, I'm excited to have it! I had it tell me how to get to church yesterday (as if I don't know lol) and hooked it up to my phone via bluetooth and made a bunch of calls through it just because I could! I'm just a big kid! Also pictured are the flowers that my parents sent me for my birthday. Excuse the mess in the background, we're taking out all the wall paper on the first floor. Go
here if you want to read all about it.